Monday, September 7, 2009



Hey, my breasts are so tender. Ahh… one of my pre-menstrual signs.
I want to sleep all the time! At home, in the car…
Constant peeing. Had to get up at least three times a night.
Hala, two lines… I’m pregnant! (I’m going to be a mother soon… Oh no! I drank Bailey’s last night)
Hubby wakes up and, upon hearing the news, does the “bunny jump” all around the house :-)
Time to tell family…


Hubby gave me a bouquet and a stuffed animal (“sleepy cow”) for Valentine’s Day. It became my monicker for some time.
In the morning, eww, I wanted to vomit (but I don’t). Snow Bear please…
We had our first prenatal check-up. The sound of our baby’s heartbeat moved us to tears…
Doctor said I must not wear jeans anymore.
Have to wear nursing brassieres also.
Time to tell friends…


Began rubbing cocoa butter lotion on my belly, buttocks, and thighs after every bath.
Started talking/singing to baby and letting him/her listen to baby-friendly music (courtesy of CDs bought by Papa)
Constantly amazed by the idea of a tiny person growing inside me.
Time to tell officemates…
Could still pass off as a non-pregnant woman.
But bought a few maternity clothes already.


Yey, less peeing. Sweet dreams for me!
I’m not a “sleepy cow” anymore!
I don’t have the vomiting feelings also…
While fixing James’ coffee, felt the baby’s first flutter! :-)
Dared to wear a bikini on a resort with the bulging tummy.


Scenario every morning (before going to work): Wait a minute, what to wear? What to wear?!
Reorganized my closet. Change wardrobe!
Ey, I have a linea negra.
My tummy is beginning to “show.”
Hubby and some friends bought/gave/lent me more maternity clothes.
Shed a few tears again during the baby’s first ultrasound.
The doctor wasn’t sure if the baby was a girl, hence the notation on the film “girl?”
Been experiencing Braxton Hicks contractions, especially at night time.


So this is how it feels like to wear maternity clothes. Hmm…
Hubby and I enjoy feeling the baby’s movements once in awhile.
When I’m at work, he/she does some kickology also. Hehe!
Oh my, I can’t control my appetite. Tsktsk.
Heartburn! How to deal?!
Night time woes… ouch, leg cramps! Hubby, heelp! I can’t reach my toes!
The innie is now an outie!
Sweetie, do I look okay in this outfit?


Hey, where are my feet? This huge belly is blocking my view…
No more bending for me! Dropped something. Can you please pick it up for me?
Sweetie, can I borrow your shirt? They’re the only ones who fit me now.
Prolonged standing/walking make me wanna pee.
Swollen feet (edema). OB said it’s because my blood pressure went higher than normal.
Ergo, goodbye salty food, fast food, soft drinks, food with preservatives, especially canned goods.


Baby shower thrown by well-meaning friends. Agnes took some maternity shots also.
OB-prescribed bed rest… My monicker became “beached whale.”
Some friends visited me at home. Yehey!!!
Whiled my time away by reading books, updating myself with current events, and watching Friends re-runs. Love it!
Sweetie, can you please help me stand up please…
Oh no, I have to pee again…
It’s… so… difficult… to… put on… this… underwear…


Baby is already full term. Yipee! No more bed rest for me. This time I became the “penguin.”
In fact, OB prescribed brisk walking already. But it’s more aptly called waddling. Hehe!
Edema. Elevating my feet doesn’t seem to work anymore. I can’t clench my fists also.
Making sure that we already have the necessary baby things.
My mommy bag (for the hospital) has already been packed with the essentials.
Eagerly awaiting D-Day!